Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas from ITSD Boys

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Common Misconceptions of (Filipino) Photographers

Taken from this Link

Common Misconceptions of (Filipino) Photographers

1. Post processing = anything to do with photoshop
- post processing means post-EXPOSURE processing, even resizing, renaming, and tagging your files CAN already be considered as "PP'ing." Photoshop is just one of the possible tools that can be used when PP'ing but it doesnt necessarily mean that PP'ing = photoshop.

2. Street photography = photos of beggars/ street children/ vagrants with oversharpened eyes
- how many albums have you already seen labeled "street photography" where all photos in the set are of street kids/ beggars/ vagrants? Yes they can still be considered as "street photography" because you can see them in the public but street photography is more of any subject you see out there in the public and not just to beggars/ street children/ vagrants.

3. f2.8 = THE ultimate answer for low-light photography
- yes it lets you gather more light but try considering if a speedlight is better suited for your needs.

4. Noisy image = your photo(s) sucks cow balls (mag ISO 100 newb!)
- in low light situations, i prefer a noisy but sharp image rather than a non-noisy but blurred one. BUT of course it all depends on what the photographer wanted to convery in the image.

5. blurred/ soft photos = you're a noob (benta mo na dSLR mo gago!)
- the photo maybe a little soft but when printed in 4R @ 300PPI, only pixel peepers or people with magnifying lenses MAY complain... (take note of the MAY word) people nowadays are just too addicted with sharpness that they seem to fail to look at the WHOLE picture

6. Photography = memorizing all the technical mumbo jumbo and start reciting famous photographers in the Egyptian language... backwards...
- nowadays some just fail to appreciate a good photo and start to embrace photography "RULES' as if they are absolute. So what if the image was compositionally off or blurred or noisy? Did the photographer convey his message? If yes then screw the technicalities he nailed a GOOD shot.

To you are what are the (other) common misconceptions of (Filipino) photographers?

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Won My 1st Photo Contest!

Won 1st Place in Gawad Kalinga's Larawan ng Kabataan photo contest last Saturday December 6. Woohoo!

I actually didn't make it to the November 30 deadline of submission of entries since I was only able to find time to send my 3 entries a day after on December 1 when they were already supposed to release the finalists that same day! I was so relieved to know via email that they accepted, and ecstatic that they selected 1 to be a finalist. So thrilled and excited was I that I had a messy time mounting the pic, which I had printed at Kodak on an 8x12 matte finish, on an illustration board. I can't remember myself to be as clumsy as smearing the pic with glue! Lots of it! Good thing it was near the edge which was easier to clean up (once dried of course).

The rest of the pics are in my National Sagip Day album.

Winning Pic:

My Other 2 entries:

Thursday, December 4, 2008

A Real Photographer...


A Real Photographer ....

Real photographers are not those only who have PRO Accounts in Flicker or Premium accounts here, nor those who just own an expensive DSLR and lenses.

A real photographer is not measured by how many of your photos appear in Multiply. It appears there simply because Multiply wants you to stay and maintain a Premium account with them.

Real photographers are not those who study photography, nor those who did not study at all.

A real photographer does not rely on his expensive cameras to capture a good photo. His camera, whether it’s the cheapest disposable camera or the D3, is only an extension of his mind. He starts to see a good photo not from the viewfinder but from his imagination.

A real photographer is not bound by photography rules. He is willing to jump outside the box of photography rules and make his originality.

A real photographer does not depend on good locations to photoshoot to have good photos. For him, every place where he stand is the best location.

A real photographer does not depend on expensive Flashes to capture good toned, shadowed pictures, but knows that nature has already provided him the best lighting.

A real photographer knows that he has to shoot thousands of photographs to have a handful of good shots.

A real photographer is not deceived by camera manufacturer’s glittering ads that their CAMERAS are the best.

A real photographer does not get flattered when someone appreciates his work, but was very happy when somebody criticizes his work as for him this is an opportunity for improvement.

A real photographer spends most of his time to appreciate the works of others than his own.

A real photographer knows that the best camera ever created is the EYES. Every person who has a pair of good eyes owns the best camera in the universe.

A real photographer does not brag, and does not expect his work to be appreciated by others, as he does photography as his soul. He is ashamed to show his soul and is only obliged to show it to a few privileged persons whom he know more.

A real photographer feels awkward brandishing a big DSLR and long lenses and still dream that technology could shrink DSLRs like a matchbox.

A real photographer does not care discussing the best models of cameras in the market rather he practices his skill on what he has, not what he's dreamed to buy.

A real photographer appreciates technology advancement on newer camera models, but still relies on experience as the best teacher in honing his skills.

DISCLAIMER: Do not take this seriously, and do not believe this as this is only to test your EMOTIONAL MATURITY as a photographer. Take it lightly and go, stare your camera, caress it, love it, and most especially get an Eye Drop, place a few drops in both your eyes, and see the world in the BEST CAMERA you ever had. You are the best photographer in your own category.

"Tis the Season: A Photo Journal Challenge


'Tis the Season: A Photo Journal Challenge

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Two great inspirations allow us to roll out yet another exciting challenge here at

First, the worldwide celebration of the holiday season that is literally at our door. What is the holiday season, and how do YOU celebrate it? According to wikipedia: "the words holiday or vacation have related meanings but will usually refer to one of the following activities or events:

  • A general leave of absence from a regular occupation for rest or recreation.
  • A specific trip or journey for the purposes of recreation /tourism.
  • Official or unofficial observances of religious/national/cultural/other
    significance, often accompanied by celebrations or festivities (public/religious

A holiday or vacation trip/break will often be undertaken during specific holiday observances, or be made for specific festivals or celebrations. Certain religious holidays may be of a more somber nature. Vacation or holidays are often used as a time to spend with friends or family."

Second, who wouldn't be inspired by this fabulous quarterly publication of Stampington & Company's Life Images by Somerset? We could not help but be awed by the breathtaking photographs and the heartfelt journals. Appropriately so, we have excitedly chosen Life Images by Somerset as our feature publication on "All the colors of the world emerge in this tapestry of original photographs, brought to you in Life Images, a new, 144-page quarterly special publication. Full-page images, accompanied by the photographers' journaling, invite you to share a moment in someone else's life." - from Stampington & Company's website.

THE CHALLENGE: "'Tis the Season": A Photo Journal Challenge

Get your cameras ready. Between now and December 28, 2008, however you celebrate the holiday season, take a photograph of an image that makes this season meaningful to you. Take a picture of people or a person, an object or a thing, an act or a gesture, a place, a tradition, or even a random thing that caught your eye and made you feel so good that it made you say to yourself, "Yes, the holidays are really here!" Capture the magic of the holidays. Capture the meaning of this season. Then share it by sending it to us.

Here's how:
  • Email your photograph to: or sign up and upload them to our gallery on or before December 28, 2008.
  • You may send up to two (2) entries. Make sure it is original and taken for the purpose of joining this challenge. Photo entries should have been taken after November 20, 2008.
  • This challenge is open to all, where ever you may be in the world.
  • All property rights will be retained by the photographer. Entries will be posted in our gallery, while winning photos will be posted in our store site and blog . (No further compensation will be awarded to the winner over and above the prize pack.)
  • You may use photo editing on your entries to enhance the quality of your photos.
Don't forget to include the following details with your photograph entries.:
  • the title of your photograph
  • the story behind your photo, or your photo journal
  • what camera brand/model and lens/es did you use? Please include camera settings used to take the photos, as well as the processes/work flow utilized to achieve the end result of the photograph.
And yes, once you have submitted your entry, you may feature it on your personal blog, but don't forget to e-mail us your blog link.


The winner will receive these: the whole year's publication of Life Images magazine courtesy of and Stampington & Company

'tis the season.
Share with us the magic of the holidays.
Take us to your world through your photographs.
Have a meaningful holiday season
Take this challenge!

D80 Finally!

Finally, after one week of continuous searching for both brand new and pre-owned online postings fueled by a foiled transaction that shattered my heart into a gazillion pieces (please forgive me for being too emotional), my much awaited new toy has arrived.

Presenting... my new D80! (actual pics to follow)